Cat Flea 1–2 mm long |
Fleas and Ticks
For every single flea living on your cat, there could be
99 more developing in your carpeted, centrally-heated home, however clean it
is! Outdoor cats may also come in with other unwelcome passengers such as
Fleas are extremely common, and are also the most common
reason for a cat to develop a skin problem. The most common flea to be found on
cats is the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis), but rabbit and hedgehog fleas can
also cause an infestation. Flea bites are itchy for all cats and can lead some
to develop allergies (flea-allergic dermatitis), whilst the parasites also act
as intermediate hosts for certain tapeworms. Also, a heavy infestation can
cause anaemia in kittens, which is potentially life-threatening. Remember,
fleas bite humans too!
What are fleas?
Fleas are the most common external parasites of cats.Adult
fleas can live for 7-14 days and will divide their time between living on your
cat to feed and returning to carpets, flooring, bedding and upholstery to lay
eggs. Females lay a large amount of eggs every day, they hatch into tiny larvae
that burrow into carpets, upholstery and often the cat’s bed. They then develop
into pupae, remaining dormant for many months. When they sense warmth and
vibration, the adult fleas emerge and jump onto a passing host - your cat - to
start the life cycle again. Fleas can also potentially transmit diseases,
including certain blood parasites.
How do I spot fleas?
Often owners think their cat cannot have fleas as they
haven’t seen them. This is because cats are so good at grooming and removing
fleas and flea dirt that there may be no evidence of fleas, apart from the
itching and scabbed areas. The most obvious sign is persistent scratching.
However some cats will not scratch but rather over-groom themselves, sometimes
leaving bald patches. Cats with flea allergies are itchy, over-groom and may
have scabs and red, sore areas. Fleas are dark brown and 1mm or 2mm long. You
may find them or see them in the carpet, or you may notice tiny black specks of
flea dirt (flea faeces) in your cat's coat during combing. High humidity and
temperatures make late summer the peak season for fleas, but central heating in
winter means you need to de-flea throughout the year. For fleas, our warm homes
make it summer all year long!
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